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There are things we can do to make sure we stay healthy. We can eat a

Everybody needs a different amount of sleep, but it is usually recommended that you sleep eight hours a day. Babies and children need more sleep than adults.

Our bodies need sleep because when we are sleeping, energy is restored to your body, particularly to the brain and nervous systems.

People who do not get enough sleep lose energy and become quick-tempered. They find it difficult to concentrate and learn, often making mistakes which can result in dangerous situations. 

They become clumsy and can’t do their job properly. This can be especially dangerous if people are working with machinery that can cause injuries. People who go without sleep for more than three days can have great difficulty thinking, seeing, and hearing clearly.
We need more sleep if we have been very active, had a lot of late nights, or have been ill.

balanced diet: A balanced diet would include food from each of the food groups every day. You should eat six to eleven servings of bread (this includes rice, pasta, and cereal), three pieces of fruit, three to five servings of vegetables, two to three servings of dairy food, two to three servings of meat, and a small amount of fat.

active every day: You can be active every day without playing a team sport. You can go for a bike ride, fly a kite, walk down the beach, take the dog to the park for a run, or clean your room.

brain and nervous systems: It is very important to keep our brain and nervous systems healthy. Our nervous system sends all the body’s messages to the brain. The brain then tells the body how to act. 

If our nervous system is not healthy, our brain could not send messages to our body to eat, to go to the toilet, to run from danger, to sleep, and every other thing our body does to keep us healthy and out of danger.


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Last modified: October 30, 2015

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