The Multiple Intelligences Series

Links to web sites from Middle Primary 1 - 
Animals of the Rainforest 

Note: These links are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down to the link you need!

Capybara Gallery

Goliath Beetle
The Goliath Beetle
Amazon Adventure Images

Harpy Eagle
Harpy Eagle @ Enchanted Learning

Animals of the Rainforest - Piranha
A Print-Out of a piranha for you to colour

Rainforests of the World

Salamander Pictures
- Click on the images at the web site to enlarge.
More Salamander Pictures
The Salamander Chronicles

Spectacled Caiman
Print-Out for you to colour


[The Multiple Intelligences Series - Links Index] [Task Cards - Links Index]

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These pages were last updated on 17 October 2007.