Weather Related Disasters

Floods, Fires, Famine and Cyclones


Page 6 - Floods

*About Floods
*Learning About Floods
Flood Links

Page 10 - Flood Warnings - 1

New Zealand Weather Info
Met Service Learning Centre

Page 14 - Cyclones

How Hurricanes Happen
Tropical Storms Worldwide

Page 18 - Cyclone Warnings

Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones

Page 20 - New Zealand Wildfires

New Zealand Fire Service Commission

Page 24 - Fire Fighters

*National Rural Fire Authority (From the MetService)

Page 28 - Famine

The Great Irish Famine

Page 36 - A Relief Worker

World Vision New Zealand
Red Cross (NZ)
World Vision Around the World
United Nations


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This page was updated on 13 April 2007.

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