Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

This site is great for school assignments, or just general interest
Hieroglyphics and Mathematics The Pyramids
The Sphinx Gods and Goddesses
The Afterlife Tutankhamen
The Land and Nile Home


Egypt is one of the more famous countries of the world. For hundreds of years, people have talked about Egypt with it's many fascinating features such as the pyramids, which are thought to be directly in line with the stars and the Sphinx, a half human, half lion sculpture, carved of rock. Egypt holds many mysteries yet to be discovered.

The First Egyptians

Around 5000 BC, herdspeople began to settle along side the Nile as it provided shelter, water, protection and land for harvesting. When they first settled into villages they grew wheat and barley and stored it in pits in the ground which were lined with rush matting.
At this time people started to take on full time jobs such as potters, hunters and priests, and the different tribes or villages, by then almost cities, started trading.

Geographical Location

Egypt is located in far north-east Africa. It is about 1085 km north to south, and 1255 east to west and its total area is approximately 997 738 square kms. The Nile, the longest river in the world, runs through Egypt and is 6741 km long.

The general landscape of Egypt is bare like a desert. Less than 10% of Egypt's area is settled or used in some way and more than 90% makes up the Libyan Desert, some of the Sahara Desert and the Arabian desert. In the Libyan Desert there is a great amount of sand and also many 'depressions' where the land is well below sea level. The Quttarah Depression has an area of 18 100 square kms and is 133 metres below sea level!
